Friday, June 12, 2009

Welcome from Steve

Welcome to our brand new blog!

Technology marches on, and in an effort to keep pace with it (though no twitter yet - I do really trade, and prefer a non-digital life as well), and to keep everyone who may or may not yet be members of our website informed, I plan on posting some great stuff that may not fit perfectly into all that we provide on our member site.

We'll be joined here by Chuck Warner, a friend and new contributor who comes with a wealth of background and experience in the markets. He loves what we're doing and will make a great addition to our editorial team.

First, let me provide a link I use all the time. It adds some very important perspective into underlying market conditions that most investors never consider. Those who have been members on our site for some time, and those who have attended any of my seminars or webinars know this one well:$

It is a very long list, but here are some of my favorites: $SPXA50R, $SPXHILO, $NYHL

As an example, here is the $SPXHILO showing how in both bull and bear, the number of new highs and lows channel up or down, and why when looking at the far right side of the graph (current), you might not be so quick to call the bear market over for 2009!

Note, we are only reaching the top of that downward channel right now, and once we have reached it again, a reversal could catch a lot of investors by surprise.

Best of trades,